How to Prepare for College

It’s the end of your high school career, and you’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed by what lies ahead. College seems like such a big step, but it doesn’t have to be one that you dread or one that leaves you stressed out about what to do next. If you are going through this stage […]
Working With a Mentor as a High School Senior

As a high school senior, you may feel like the world is closing in on you. Maybe you’re worried about what your future holds and if you’ll be able to find a job that suits your interests and abilities after graduation. Or maybe you’re just eager to start making plans for your future and imagining […]
Woman continuing brother’s legacy over 30 years after his death by helping the youth of Fort Wayne

Who we are What we do News, Press,& Events Get Involved X Donate Who we are What we do News, Press,& Events Get Involved X Woman continuing brother’s legacy over 30 years after his death by helping the youth of Fort Wayne After losing her brother when he was in high school, a Fort Wayne […]