The Dana Leroyne Causey Family Empowerment Foundation is a nonprofit organization that helps develop today’s youth. We focus on providing counseling services, resources, and knowledge to youth and their families. Our main goal is to increase personal development and understanding.
Program participants will work with students from local colleges who have shown exceptional achievement in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and English. Our college students are trained to tutor in an empathetic and engaging way, assisting learners to meet and exceed their academic goals.
Each student will be paired with a local business professional during our annual mentorship event. The professional and student relationship will develop organically. Students will be introduced to our mentors, have the opportunity to engage with them and select a mentor with similar interest and accomplishments.
One of the best ways for students to learn about life, develop good social skills, become financially literate and discover their career interest is through employment. Working with a variety of organizations, The Dana Leroyne Causey Family Empowerment Foundation will provide youth with paid internships and employment opportunities
The High School Equivalency diploma is a gateway to success for young people and their families. The Dana Leroyne Causey Family Empowerment Foundation, will provide opportunities for young people to get a High School Equivalency diploma.